Why Use a real estate agent? |
An old cautionary adage expresses it best for those who feel they can sell their homes without a real estate agent: "You can get rid of the broker, but you can't get rid of the broker's work."
Property Seller's Tips |
If you are planning on selling your house, here are a few tips that might help you. And don't forget, if you need more help, I'm here, waiting to help you.
Moving Tips |
A trouble-free relocation requires planning and coordination. Here are some quick tips to guide you toward a smooth relocation.
High-Cost "Predatory" Home Loans: How to Avoid the Traps |
A few unscrupulous lenders are tricking cash-strapped, unknowing borrowers into expensive home equity loans and mortgages. The big risk: If you can't repay the loan you could lose your home. Here is useful information for anyone thinking about a home loan.
Homeowner's Glossary of Building Terms |
Taking on a home improvement project can open a whole new world of terms you may not know. Here's a quick reference to help you keep up with the language of the trade.
Keeping family/household records |
When was the last time you couldn't find an important paper you knew you had carefully put away someplace? How much time do you spend trying to straighten out your household business affairs, especially at income tax time?
Home Improvement |
Helpful advice on when home improvements pay off, how to select different home improvement specialist, and comparing financing options.
Home Sweet Home Improvement. |
Check for the warning signs of a shady contractor; ask questions to protect yourself from fraud; complete the post-job checklist; and get tips on how to resolve complaints.
Property Seller's Tips |
If you are planning on selling your house, here are a few tips that might help you. And don't forget, if you need more help, I'm here, waiting to help you.
Why Use a real estate agent? |
An old cautionary adage expresses it best for those who feel they can sell their homes without a real estate agent: "You can get rid of the broker, but you can't get rid of the broker's work."
Moving Tips |
A trouble-free relocation requires planning and coordination. Here are some quick tips to guide you toward a smooth relocation.
High-Cost "Predatory" Home Loans: How to Avoid the Traps |
A few unscrupulous lenders are tricking cash-strapped, unknowing borrowers into expensive home equity loans and mortgages. The big risk: If you can't repay the loan you could lose your home. Here is useful information for anyone thinking about a home loan.
Keeping family/household records |
When was the last time you couldn't find an important paper you knew you had carefully put away someplace? How much time do you spend trying to straighten out your household business affairs, especially at income tax time?
Homeowner's Glossary of Building Terms |
Taking on a home improvement project can open a whole new world of terms you may not know. Here's a quick reference to help you keep up with the language of the trade.
Home Improvement |
Helpful advice on when home improvements pay off, how to select different home improvement specialist, and comparing financing options.
Home Sweet Home Improvement. |
Check for the warning signs of a shady contractor; ask questions to protect yourself from fraud; complete the post-job checklist; and get tips on how to resolve complaints.